As the winters are setting in, cold and congestion come in hand with this season. When we adults are not getting spared to get under the weather, these tiny little beings are more prone to catch cold as their immune system is still not completely developed.
The first and the most easy thing which can be done instantly at home, before the use of any medication is"Saline Nasal Drops"
Saline Nasal drops are an alternative which even your child's pediatrician will recommend. They are easily available in the market or can be made at home too.
The Saline Nasal drops & a bulb syringe can be used to remove mucus and reduce inflammation in your infant's nasal passages.
Easy Steps to make & use HOMEMADE SALINE NASAL DROPS are as follows:
STEP 1: Take 1 cup of distilled water or boil 1 cup of water for minimum 7-10 minutes to eliminate any possibilities of bacterial impurities.
STEP 2: Mix 1 teaspoon of salt in the boiled water
STEP 3: Stir continuously till the salt is completely dissolved & water comes down to room temperature
STEP 4: Store the water in a clean & sterilized vessel. This water can be stored up to 24 hours.
STEP 5: Use a sterilized bulb syringe to put a 2-3 drops of saline water into each nostril of the child
STEP 6: Wait for a few minutes before using the bulb syringe to remove the mucus from baby's nose.
As this is not a medicine so there are no side effects of using the same.
- The vessel for storage and the bulb syringe should be properly sterilized
- The water should not be warm or hot as it may cause irritation in the baby's nose
- The bulb syringe is not forced too much into the baby's nostril while putting drops or suction; it should ideally be used from the edge of the nose
- Please sanitize your hands before and after dealing with the baby
Hope this is a hands on DIY remedy you can use for your child suffering from cold or for clearing his/her nasal passages.
Image Courtesy: Corbis