Well let's begin by saying this that it is VERY VERY NORMAL for your baby to have Constipation/ Hard Stools. So DO NOT PANIC!!!
Nevan was a regular poo-er (definition: a baby who poop's minimum 2-3 times a day) and we had gone to stay at nani house. Well in my excitement of being at my mom's place I payed less attention to his every small habit and easily missed upon noticing that he hasn't poop-ed since two days. Suddenly when I realized it, I was in a panic state like every first time mom.
I immediately called his Pediac just to hear;
" It's normal if your breast-fed baby is poo-ing Seven times in a day to Once in seven days"
And it's true as breast milk is used up fast due to the high metabolic rate and results in urine only, no poop; so raise an alarm only if the constipation persists for more than a week.
Let's now come to Home Remedies to tackle the constipation in babies (especially babies who have started with some solids):
- Give adequate amount of water to the baby, preferably luke warm water at regular intervals.
- Boil / Soak overnight a few raisins in water and strain them out. This water can either be given directly or mixed in baby food for consumption
- Prunes can be given by mashing them in a little boiled & cooled water
- Papaya assists in easing out the stools (only to 6m+ babies)
- Other fruits like Pear, Peach, Plums are also helpful in constipation/hard stools; they can be used on a regular basis too. Can be served to the baby either in puree form (preferred) or as diluted fruit juices.
- Adding fiber rich cereals like Oats as a part of baby meal
- While another thing which I have never tried but heard from a friend's experience is: Add a little sugar or mishri (crystalized sugar lumps) to your baby's boiled & cooled water.
Foods to avoid during Constipation / Hard Stools (The following should be avoided unless suitable to the baby after following the Four-Day Rule):
- Banana
- Apple
- Potato
- Ragi
Also avoid giving the baby oils like Castor Oil, Aloe Vera, etc in any form or amount to aid hem/her during constipation.
The above mentioned remedies are only home-remedies; pls contact your Pediatrician in case the above is not effective or the baby persists to have Constipation for more than a week.
Looking forward for any other remedies used by you momma's which I do not know!!!